Lying Position During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an important phase in a women’s life, which takes a great toll on the body and mind of the to-be-mother. It brings along many changes internally as well as externally for her. In these times, healthy eating and proper sleep are the two most crucial necessities for a pregnant body, as they hugely affect the health and wellbeing of the baby as well as the mother to be. But during pregnancy, one may find herself wrestling in bed, trying to get comfortable before falling asleep. It becomes difficult to sleep in regular sleeping positions as they may no longer work during pregnancy.

Why Sleeping is Important During Pregnancy

Sleeping is important for a pregnant body due to ample of reasons. As per new research, lack of sleep leads to pregnancy complications, including:

  • High Blood Pressure or Preeclampsia
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Longer labours
  • Higher risks of C-Sec
  • Affects immune system

Quality and quantity of sleep are thus important during every stage of pregnancy, and women should lookout for ways to get enough sleep during day and night. This can be considered an important investment you will make in your health.

Various Positions One Sleeps in Pregnancy

Though the most important aspect of sleep during pregnancy is comfort, there are certain positions and ways that lead to healthy and
comfortable sleep at night for pregnant ladies.

  1. Side sleeping: The best sleep position during pregnancy is “SOS” (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on the left side. Sleeping on left side increases the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and the baby. It maximises the oxygen transfer to the baby and helps with fluid drainage for the mother-to-be, reducing swollen ankles.
  2. Stomach sleeping: When one reaches towards the last leg of pregnancy, the abdomen undergoes physical changes and makes it more difficult for the mother-to-be to lay on stomach. Though, as per studies, lying on stomach is considered safe during pregnancy, this position becomes very uncomfortable due to increased belly size.
  3. Back sleeping: This can cause problems with backaches, breathing, the digestive system, haemorrhoids, low blood pressure and cause a decrease in blood circulation to the heart and baby. This is a result of the abdomen resting on intestines and major blood vessels and putting pressure on the inferior vena cava. This is the major vein that returns blood from the lower body to the heart.
  4. Sleeping with a pillow: Sleeping with a full-length pillow can provide support to the body and help prevent lower back and pelvic pain experienced during pregnancy. It can also help to provide a more comfortable night’s sleep, as well as lessen aches and pains the following day.


As the pregnant body grows, sleep becomes harder and harder. It becomes harder to turn around and shift positions in bed. So, one must look for positions that are comfortable and safe for the baby as well. One can also take professional help for comfortable sleep and managing pains during pregnancy. For any query on antenatal pregnancy care and about managing pains during pregnancy, contact PhysioHeal at 9999259307. The antenatal care professionals at PhysioHeal also teach exercises for easy labour and delivery.

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