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Diastasis Recti Treatment and Exercises | Phyisoheal Physiotherapy

Diastasis Recti – Introduction, Treatment and Exercises

Diastasis recti, also known as rectus diastasis or divarication of the recti, is a condition where the linea alba stretches, causing an abnormal widening of the gap between the two medial sides of the rectus abdominis muscle (increased inter-recti distance).

Understanding Diastasis Recti

The diagnosis of diastasis recti is controversial, with the degree of abdominal protrusion often defining its pathogenicity. Generally, a widening of >15-25 mm is considered abnormal, depending on factors like gender, parity, and postpartum time. The degree of normal width varies with the level of measurement along the linea alba.diastasis recti

Causes and Symptoms

Diastasis recti is often caused by excessive intra-abdominal pressure, which can occur during pregnancy or delivery. The expanding uterus, along with pregnancy hormones relaxin and estrogen, stretches the abdominal muscles and connective tissues. Newborn babies, especially premature ones, might also have diastasis recti due to underdeveloped and unconnected abdominal muscles, which usually corrects itself with time.

Common symptoms of diastasis recti include a noticeable bulge or pooch in the stomach, especially when contracting abdominal muscles. Other symptoms include lower back pain, poor posture, constipation, and bloating.

Diastasis Recti Treatment

Treatment for diastasis recti involves both self-checks and professional evaluations. You can self-check for diastasis recti by lying on your back, raising your shoulders slightly, and feeling for a gap above and below your bellybutton along the midline ab muscles. A moderate case is indicated by a gap of one to two finger lengths.

For a more accurate measurement, doctors or physical therapists can use calipers or ultrasound. If the gap exceeds two finger lengths, further evaluation is required.

Physiotherapy and Exercises

At Physioheal Physiotherapy, we offer effective treatment and exercises for diastasis recti. Our expert physiotherapist Dr Divya Gaur can guide you through customized exercises to strengthen your abdomen, back, and hips. Core-strengthening routines like Pilates or Yoga have shown positive effects for patients.

It is crucial to perform exercises correctly and under professional supervision to avoid exacerbating the condition. Our qualified physical therapists will ensure you learn the proper techniques and perform core-strengthening exercises safely.

Remember that pulling in of the abdominal muscles is essential during corrective exercises, and pushing the abdominal muscles outward should be avoided. Core stabilization belts may also aid in stabilizing your core during exercises.

Begin Your Diastasis Recti Treatment

If you suspect or have been diagnosed with diastasis recti, seek professional care at Physioheal Physiotherapy. Our team of experts will create a tailored treatment plan, including exercises to help you regain abdominal strength and improve your quality of life.

Call Physioheal on +91-9999259307 or  contact us today to start your journey towards effective diastasis recti treatment and recovery.

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